Tuesday, July 14, 2009

3:05 am, 3:42 am, 4:12 am, 5:30 am .....

Calling all preggos and former preggos --- any one ever have insomnia??! Oh man, for a few days now I have been waking up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep! I am totally awake! I don't think I'm stressed or thinking about any one thing in particular, I just wake up and feel like I could go to work or do stuff around the house!

But ... then 6:00 am hits (when I shoudl be getting up) and instead that's when my body decides it's tired again and wants to go to sleep!!! Urrrgh. So frustrating! Then I am a zombie because I was up half the night!

I do know, however, that Saved by the Bell is on from 4am-6am and really enjoyed catching up with Zach and the crew this morning! :)



  1. haha... oh man poor thing. Yes, that's a total pregnancy thing! At least you are getting some quality shows in! :) I think the golden girls are on the hallmark channel all night too!

  2. I am so sorry! I never had that problem...just up to pee several times a night for months. Think of it this way...you will definately be prepared for sleep deprivation once baby comes! In all seriousness though...talk to you doctor. They can give you advice!

  3. I was always up a lot too...usually with heartburn though! They always say to turn your clock around so you cant see the time, then the minutes feel like hours and you usually can get back to sleep faster! Good luck!
