Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The baby's OREO experience

So, I was laying on the couch reading a magazine eating a couple OREOs when I noticed some weird pokes going on ... then out of the corner of my eye I happened to see my stomach moving through my dress!!! It was like a little alien was poking me all over and my stomach would twitch out all over the place!

I have been trying to watch my sugar intake, so I figure that by eating the OREOs probably put our little guy on a sugar high! So what did I do?? ... eat more to make him keep doing it! Everytime he would slow down I would eat 2 or 3 more and watch him start up again! He eventually stopped ... probably because I put him in a sugar coma and I decided it was best to pack up what was left of the OREOs and put them back in the cupboard!

So fun while it lasted!!! Love you baby boy!

1 comment:

  1. I remember the first time I actually SAW my tummy move. Crazy weird, wonderful, amazing thing huh?! I would have kept eating the oreo's too. Come to think of it...I did and that is why I am still fat 8 months later. Be good about the sweets! Love you!
