Also, had to include a pic of what happens every day when Daddy gets home from work. He gives me a kiss, grabs his boy, and they sit and watch the NBA. Brax actually stares pretty intently at the screen! I think we have a basketball player on our hands!!!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Mr. Rashy-Rasherson
Since inquiring minds want to know! Here are pics of Mr. Brax's rash. It looks tons better now thanks to time and modern medicine :)
Also, had to include a pic of what happens every day when Daddy gets home from work. He gives me a kiss, grabs his boy, and they sit and watch the NBA. Brax actually stares pretty intently at the screen! I think we have a basketball player on our hands!!!

Also, had to include a pic of what happens every day when Daddy gets home from work. He gives me a kiss, grabs his boy, and they sit and watch the NBA. Brax actually stares pretty intently at the screen! I think we have a basketball player on our hands!!!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I've been bad ..........
Sorry I have not done a post in what feels like forever! It's been a long week. As you know, Braxton had that double ear infection ... the Dr. gave us amoxicillian to treat it. He was on it for 10 days and did great! He never had a problem taking the medicine or anything! His ear infection symptoms cleared up almost over night!
Well, Sunday was the last day of his dose. We noticed he wasn't himself that day. Pretty lethargic and not really interested in eating. We took his temp, and sure enough he had a fever. Some infant Tylenol did the trick and brought it down. But Monday we were in for a rude awakening ... an awful rash all over his body!
The hard thing was, it looked different on different parts of his body! Here we go again with skin issues ... so the next day I took him to the Pediatrician and Dermatologist and what they think he has is a 3-fold rash going on! 1) possible allergic reaction to amoxicillian causing one part of the rash, 2) a viral exanthem rash and 3) another excema outbreak. Good lord. So, off to the pharmacy I went again!
The meds are helping some, but he's still pretty rashy and is off schedule (harder on Mommy than him cause I thought I JUST got that figured out!!). Any way, we have our friends, Pete and Julie (WHO FOR THE RECORD, BLAKE, I WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR SETTING UP!), coming into town from AZ to meet Brax! So we are looking forward to a great weekend with them and I'll have lots of pictures to post by Sunday!
Well, Sunday was the last day of his dose. We noticed he wasn't himself that day. Pretty lethargic and not really interested in eating. We took his temp, and sure enough he had a fever. Some infant Tylenol did the trick and brought it down. But Monday we were in for a rude awakening ... an awful rash all over his body!
The hard thing was, it looked different on different parts of his body! Here we go again with skin issues ... so the next day I took him to the Pediatrician and Dermatologist and what they think he has is a 3-fold rash going on! 1) possible allergic reaction to amoxicillian causing one part of the rash, 2) a viral exanthem rash and 3) another excema outbreak. Good lord. So, off to the pharmacy I went again!
The meds are helping some, but he's still pretty rashy and is off schedule (harder on Mommy than him cause I thought I JUST got that figured out!!). Any way, we have our friends, Pete and Julie (WHO FOR THE RECORD, BLAKE, I WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR SETTING UP!), coming into town from AZ to meet Brax! So we are looking forward to a great weekend with them and I'll have lots of pictures to post by Sunday!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Braxton - 3 months
You have got to be kidding me ... in a week I will have a 3 month old?!?!?! Where is the time going? How do I get it to slow down! He is down for a nap right now and I am listening to him through the baby monitor make those same "honking" sounds the day he was born. He's our little goose! My little baby is growing up so fast right before my eyes. Now that he is sleeping in his own room I find myself going in there 5, 6, 10 times before I go to bed to just watch him sleep knowing that these are precious moments that I want to remember forever.
We love you Braxamus Maximus! - Mommy & Daddy

We love you Braxamus Maximus! - Mommy & Daddy

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Updates on Braxton!
Sorry I haven't had any posts lately, it was a BUSY last two weeks! Blake had to travel back to the east coast for work so I was busy busy busy with Mr. Braxton! While Blake was gone, Brax developed a viral infection and a DOUBLE ear infection, so I had a sick, sad little boy on my hands who needed some TLC from Mommy!
We got him on some meds and now he is back to my HAPPY HEALTHY baby boy! The day he started feeling better I was even able to teach him how to blog "raspberries" ... see the video below! Now he does it all the time! He is so smiley and I just love this stage!
Also, in GREAT news, I am following the BabyWise schedule and he is rockin' at it! In a 3-day period he went from really being on no schedule to a really set eat, play, nap schedule and after following that for only two days he slept through the entire night (8.5 hours!). That book is MAGIC. I can't wait to share with others. I don't even have to rock him to sleep anymore, I just lay him down, say nighty-night (for nap or sleep) and within about 10 minutes he puts himself to sleep! No crying anymore either! I swear by this book now!!!!!!!!!!

We got him on some meds and now he is back to my HAPPY HEALTHY baby boy! The day he started feeling better I was even able to teach him how to blog "raspberries" ... see the video below! Now he does it all the time! He is so smiley and I just love this stage!
Also, in GREAT news, I am following the BabyWise schedule and he is rockin' at it! In a 3-day period he went from really being on no schedule to a really set eat, play, nap schedule and after following that for only two days he slept through the entire night (8.5 hours!). That book is MAGIC. I can't wait to share with others. I don't even have to rock him to sleep anymore, I just lay him down, say nighty-night (for nap or sleep) and within about 10 minutes he puts himself to sleep! No crying anymore either! I swear by this book now!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010
2 1/2 months and growing strong!
How is it that my little boy is already two and a half months?! I quickly made the B&W collage below to show you one of his newborn, 1st month, and 2nd month pictures. I can't believe how much he is changing looking at that! Being a Mommy is really the best thing in the entire world. Each day it gets better and better and it feels differently than it did from the day I had him. I am so connected to him and it's getting harder for me to remember what life was like without him. I love my little balooga soooooooooooooo much and we miss our Daddy right now! We can't wait to see him on Wednesday and have lots of cuddle time! Love you, Daddy!

Thursday, January 7, 2010
My new photog blog :)
In fun news [I need some with my sick baby :( ...], I have a new photography blog! If you haven't gone out there already, check it out!
Our sick little boy :(
Urrrgh - it breaks my heart that Braxton has his first full-on bad cold :(. He has been waking up in the middle of the night screaming and crying so hard and I had no idea what was wrong and could only comfort him for 10-15 minute periods of time (and of course this is happening when Blake is on the east coast for work!). So I took him to his Pediatrician today and he said sure enough, it's a bad cold and time is the only thing to make it better. We are glad it isn't an ear or sinus infection, but it's bad enough! He is so lathargic and not his normal smiley self, so it is even more sad! I think I just held him for an hour and a half tonight after he was done with his last feeding just so we could cuddle more. I didn't want to put him down! I could hold him all night .... I just want him to get well!!
We miss you, Daddy. Love Braxy and Mommy

We miss you, Daddy. Love Braxy and Mommy

Sunday, January 3, 2010
The hardest day ever ...... :(
Oh my gosh, the hardest day of my life was Wednesday, December 28th. That was the day my little boy spent the first night in his crib in his own room. It absolutely broke my heart and I had no idea it would be that hard. Now that he is 8 weeks, we were encouraged from our Pediatrician that now was a good time to make the transition into his own room so he can learn good sleeping habits and can work on putting himself to sleep. Sure, sounds logical right? No. If I had my way he would sleep in my room until he is 20! I loved having him in his pack and play right next to my bed where I can peek in on him at any time. And just to watch him for a bit if I wake up in the middle of the night.
We did his normal bedtime routine and then I put him in his bed and he went right to sleep. I kinda hoped he would cry and scream as if to say, "no mommy, I'm not ready for this. Take me with you." ... but he didn't. He went right to bed and looked as peaceful as ever. And I just sat over his crib and looked at him and bawled my eyes out. Blake had to come in and escort me out of the room then cuddled with Mommy to make her feel better as I cried. I don't think I have ever been up as much! Every single noise I heard I raced into his room to see what it was. And sure enough, he was sleeping peacefully as the last time I raced in there. I still like to nap with him (see 2 pics Blake snapped of us below) and I am sad that our time together in my room is gone ... it all went too fast and it breaks my heart. I may still need to have him in my room for a slumber party now and then ... that's ok right????
I love you baby Braxy....stop growing up so fast, Mommy needs you to be her baby awhile longer.

We did his normal bedtime routine and then I put him in his bed and he went right to sleep. I kinda hoped he would cry and scream as if to say, "no mommy, I'm not ready for this. Take me with you." ... but he didn't. He went right to bed and looked as peaceful as ever. And I just sat over his crib and looked at him and bawled my eyes out. Blake had to come in and escort me out of the room then cuddled with Mommy to make her feel better as I cried. I don't think I have ever been up as much! Every single noise I heard I raced into his room to see what it was. And sure enough, he was sleeping peacefully as the last time I raced in there. I still like to nap with him (see 2 pics Blake snapped of us below) and I am sad that our time together in my room is gone ... it all went too fast and it breaks my heart. I may still need to have him in my room for a slumber party now and then ... that's ok right????
I love you baby Braxy....stop growing up so fast, Mommy needs you to be her baby awhile longer.
Drinking, Karaoke, and some more Karaoke
One of the nights with all the fam in town we headed out to a bar for some karaoke and good times ;) what resulted was mediocre singing and a lot of laughs! Our Bullie did his favorite "old time Rock and Roll" and Meghan and I rocked out to "save a horse ride a cowboy" ... and yes, that's a diaper bag I'm rocking as I'm Karaokeing. Whoop, there it is....

The Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
So I am catching up on posts and I realized I never posted pictures from our Ugly Sweater Christrmas Friends "Festivus" ... our annual friends holiday tradition :) My attire will definitly be the envy of some old school 2nd grade teachers across the country, and my husband is wearing a womens --- yes WOMEN'S MEDIUM --- christmas tree embrodiered number. Tyhe O'Malleys' kept it traditional, Colt's snowflake sweater had hanger marks on the sleeves from christmases past, and Katie's kittens playing with snow and yarn was a sure delight. Jake's mother's Christmas sweater was a throwback to the year he was born and he topped it off with some pink velvet pants. Devo's "snoman fall from heaven one flake at a time" was fitting, and Meg took the snowman theme to a new level. But none was greater than Mr. Mustache himself - Eric. Eric's slicked side-do, winnie the pooh Christmas vest. cream mock turtle neck and 1970's mustache won him the prize of best dressed! all in all we had another great time ending at 3am! Wahhooo, parents can rock too! :)

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