We are getting ready to leave in a couple days for Hawaii!! I can't wait to have some nice relaxing time with my fam on the beach! It will also be fun to take him into the water and see how he likes it! He loves bathtime now, so I'm hoping the same goes for the ocean!
I think we've hit the teething mark too. He is constantly drooling, sticking hands in mouth, and yesterday he went ballistic screaming and putting his hands to his mouth. It almost made me cry because I feel like I can't do anything for him! It must be so painful. Thank God for infant Tylenol. I also got some baby Orajel that said was good for babies over 4 months. Not sure if I'll see a tooth poke thru soon or what ... is this early??? I know some kids who are a year old and don't have have teeth!
Love to all!
I'm calling it right now...he's going to walk at 9 months like Brady did. Do you see how he doesn't bounce but "walk" in his bouncer one foot at at time! Love it! Just like his big cousin..... :-)