I know I have been promising to write about his birthday, but somehow my days seem to be getting filled up with feeding, diaper changes, clothes changes, naps …. and more diaper changes! Brax is asleep with Daddy right now, so I thought that since today is his week birthday, now would be good time to fill you in on the exciting events of 10/28/09! It’s not too graphic, but if you’re not interested in reading about a birth check back for the next post tomorrow!
Tuesday 10/27 started off with Blake and I going to our Dr (Dr. Mark Mulholland (Dr. M) – we LOVE him!) for an 11:20 appt. He had told us the previous week that he highly doubted I would be pregnant through the previous weekend, but look who surprised him! During the appt Dr. M told us I had dilated even more (3 cm) and was still sitting at almost 100% effaced. He couldn’t believe I hadn’t gone into labor. He decided to strip (what was left) of my membranes, and that seemed to do the trick! That essentially was the tipping point that put me into labor! Once Dr. M realized that contractions were actually happening he called the hospital and “reserved” a room for me! He told us to go grab a light lunch and head to the hospital in about an hour.
We went to Stone Soup for my favorite Veggie Sandwich and that was when I noticed that the contractions were starting to hurt. It was so exciting knowing that the next place we were heading was to have a baby!! We got to the hospital about 1:30 and got checked in to Suite 12. They had me “gown up” and then we got registered, I got the IV-holder in, and they hooked me up to the fetal monitor to monitor his heart beat and my contractions.
Between 1:30-4 I had dilated 1 cm more and contractions were sort of painful, but not getting super close together. So at 4pm, Dr. M came in and broke my water. This was crazy!!! It literally felt like I was just peeing the bed! I also happened to be peeing all over Blake’s shoes! (not the last time that would happen this night!)
After my water broke my contractions started coming a lot faster and harder. About an hour later I realized I was ready for an epidural. They were really painful and I didn’t realize how tense it was keeping my body. My Dr said that while I stayed tense like that it would be hard for labor to progress as naturally. So I went ahead and went for it and am soooooooooo glad I did! I asked for a really low dose and the anesthesiologist did amazing! (Meg and Ty – we had Bill Smith too!!!!!) I could still feel and move my legs and toes and could still feel all around my hips, it just make the pain go away and I only felt pressure. I got the epidural at 5pm and that was what I needed to zoom my body even further! I went from a 4 to a 7 in about an hour and a half!
I stayed around a 7 for awhile and actually fell asleep for an hour or two because I was so relaxed! By 10pm I was really close to 10cm, but we found out our Dr got called into surgery, so here came the hard part. I had to “hold” at a 10 until he was done. Any woman who has been through labor and knows the “I have to push” feeling can sympathize with me. It is the biggest, most natural urge I have ever felt to “push” every time a contraction came on. But to keep the baby where he was at, I had to do everything in my power not to push every contraction (about every minute or so).
Finally a little after midnight Dr. M got out of surgery and came to check on me. Time to go he said! The room transformed before our eyes and about 12:45 am I started to push. It didn’t hurt, just felt a lot of pressure and got really tired after each push. Blake said he was amazed at watching the process of his son being born. At 1:48am Braxton Hunter Kluse made his way into the world! It was the most amazing thing to see him! He was blueish-grey and covered in the white vernix. He was so soft and I just was holding him and kissing him and saying his name over and over! Blake and I couldn’t stop smiling!
A few minutes later, the nurses cleaned him up and weighed him – 9lbs and 21in! I had a little gorilla in there! The best sound was hearing him cry and knowing his lungs were working like they were supposed to!
All in all, the experience was amazing. Blake videotaped the birth and he and I watched it our last night in the hospital. I have to say, a woman’s body is pretty amazing with respect to what it can do to push a child out!
Now Brax is a week old and I can’t believe how fast the time is flying. I just want to stop time and savor every second with him this size. The best feeling is him warm and cuddly on my chest as we nap together. That will never get old. I also love hearing all his squeaks and sounds! He is truly a little miracle and Blake and I couldn’t be happier that he chose us to be his parents !
We love you, Braxton
-Mommy & Daddy
oooh I love that you had Bill Smith!! He really is the best. Savor every moment... it flies by!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your birth story! I never get tired of hearing about the miracle it is when a child comes to this earth! You are blessed! Enjoy your time...it does go by too fast.